
Providing a bespoke service which meets your needs and priorities is key. When brokering the nature and structure of support we will talk through the potential ways forward and agree on the most suitable approach. It may be that you are very clear about the specific piece of work that is needed, e.g. external adviser to facilitate Headteacher appraisal. Often, when a package of support is required it will follow a sequence of “Illuminate – Inspire – Improve.”


Initial interaction focuses on gathering information, exploring current practice, providing feedback and suggesting ways forward; this stage is about getting a clear picture of what’s going on, recognizing strengths and weaknesses and offering potential next steps.


Working alongside senior leaders and practitioners to design and implement an action plan with clear objectives, realistic but aspirational goals and a manageable time-frame. Planning is evidence-based, drawing upon what we know about the context and the best available research findings in order to generate shared ownership, enthusiasm and a commitment to improve.


following the agreed plan, undertake the actions that will make a difference. This might involve the consultant leading professional learning, coaching or mentoring colleagues or creating systems in partnership with stakeholders. Quality-assurance is both formative (responsive and immediate) and summative (measuring impact over time).

Let's Start Something new
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Please get in touch to arrange an initial dialogue: